Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Light at the End of The Tunnel

As we dive into the winter months, this picture will remind of what lies only a 4 or 5 months ahead.

Meanwhile I update databases, browse the internet for new flowers to order and plan the maps of where they will go.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Midnight ... and the Iris Iris are Sleeping.

Well, not midnight, winter.  We got about 8 inches of snow last week.  The iris are blanketed.  Good insulation.

The snow was vey heavy however and a pine limb that could not bear the weight ended up in my pond.

I have a number of plastic coated stakes with a looped top to support iris blooms.  One was left on either side of solar powered globe light.  Add 8" of wet snow and this fun picture is the result.