Big Blue? (Stamile, 1995)
height 24", bloom 6.5", season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid,
Fragrant, Lavender self with green throat. (White Zone × Tet. Barbara
Mitchell) |
'Big Blue' above is not lavender with a green throat, but it is more bluish than this photo shows... so what is it? It came from a reliable source... so I am headed to my knower-of-all-things daylily, to get an opinion.
'Ice Carnival' (Childs-F., 1967)
height 28", bloom 6", season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, Very Fragrant, Near white self with green throat. |
This I like because, Kyle likes white flowers and the crimped edge is fun. Ice Carnival appear more yellow in this photo than it actually is
'Kindy Light' (Bechtold, 1950)
height 29", season M, Dormant, Diploid, Spider Ratio 7.70:1, GYL1: Green yellow light self. |
An old reliable and favorite of many visitors is 'Kindly Light.' Its spider ration is impressive and it is a good 7" across. Blooms are separated to give a great fireworks display in its place in the garden.
It |
'Mauna Loa' (Roberts, 1976)
height 22", bloom 5", season EM, Dormant, Tetraploid, Amber gold blend with wire edge of deep red and light green throat. ((Commandment × Botticelli) × (sdlg × Paprika Velvet)) |
Nothing else in my garden is as fiery as 'Mauna Loa.' Its bright orange is eye-catching and I have looked at many pictures that do not show the "wire edge of deep red."
'Night Embers' (Stamile, 1997)
height 30", bloom 5", season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, Double , Bing cherry red with white edges and green throat. (Double Phelan × sdlg) |
I am a sucker for an impressive double and this is my favorite. Though the edges my be white they appear gold. Nothing is more aptly named than 'Night Embers.'
'Pandora's Box' (Talbott, 1980)
height 19", bloom 4", season EM, Rebloom, Evergreen, Diploid, Fragrant, Cream with purple eyezone and green throat. ((Prairie Blue Eyes × Moment of Truth) × (Apparition × Moment of Truth)) |
'Pandora's Box' opens to an elegant cream and maroon eyezone.
'Patsy Bickers' (Dickerson, 1987)
height 20", bloom 11", season M, Evergreen, Diploid, Fragrant, Spider Ratio 5.50:1, Beige pink spider with brown red eyezone and green gold throat. (sdlg × Kindly Light) |
Its corkscrew petals make 'Patsy Bickers' a puzzle. Sometime the twist are very pleasing. Other times a little unsettling. Its earthy tones are an odd soothing juxtaposition to its cantankerous behavior.
'Pemaquid Light' (Barth, 1974)
height 36", bloom 8", season MLa, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, Lemon gold self with green gold throat. (Mary Todd × Lemon Mint) |
This big bright yellow would draw the attention of anyone lost a sea. When we were at the Zetteks several years back, Kyle went right to 'Pemaquid Light' and said, "We must have that!"
'Schnickel Fritz' (Kirchhoff-D., 1996)
height 16", bloom 5", season EM, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, Double , Near white self with green throat. (Chardonnay × (Nagasaki × Siloam Double Classic)) |
'Schickel Fritz' was my must have! A creamy white double; what's not to like?
'Siloam June Bug' (Henry-P., 1978)
height 23", bloom 2.75", season EM, Dormant, Diploid, Gold with dark maroon eyezone and green throat. |
Size matters, especially when so much color and graceful form is packed into a less than 3" package.