Bloom of the Day! This IB is 'Line Drive' newly planted last year. It's really impressive. The heavy lining on the falls and perfect form make me very sorry the iris show is still so far off
'Line Drive' (Michael Sutton, R. 2006) IB, 20" (51 cm), Early-mid bloom season and reblooming. |
In one area (A-2) a great collection of SDB are growing very well. These were all from a Mid-America order 2 years ago.a
L to R: 'Outspoken', 'Pulsator', 'All is Bright', 'Eye of the Tiger' |
'Eye of the Tiger' is clearly the winner in increase and bloom.
'Eye of The Tiger' SDB (Black '08) |
For pop-out color, 'All is Bright' lives up to it's name. Deeply saturated yellow-orange with a bright orange bushy beard.
'All is Bright' SDB (Black 2011) 14" (36cm) Midseason-Late |
Here is a low bloomer. Supposed to be 12" tall it bloomed below leaf level at about half that height.
'Outspoken' SDB (Black 2011) Early-Midseason 12” |
Weather damage tore this little beauty up. It's rich deep purple royal tones are split by orange to white to violet-tipped beards that give the impression of a flash.
'Pulsator' SDB (T.Johnson 2011) Midseason 13” |
Showing the wide diversity of irises this gentle gem captures the jewel-like quality of it's name-sake, 'Star of India.'
'Star of India' SDB (T.Johnson 2011) Midseason 12" |
Sometimes names seem so appropriate. Sometimes less so. 'Cinnamon Candy' is still lovely. It's form especially. In reviewing the hybridizer's photo and description this is blooming much lighter in color in my garden.
'Cinnamon Candy' SDB (Aitken 2013) Mid-Late Season 12" |
Still Kyle's top pick. 'Lemon Pop' is not only beautiful, but sturdy.
'Lemon Pop' (Larry Lauer, 1990) IB, 16" (41 cm), Early |