Saturday, May 27, 2017

Two by Lynda at #AIS2017

These two beauties from Lynda Miller captured my attention at the AIS Convention 2017 in Des Moines.

'Blushing Grapes' looks a bit different than on the TWiki.  It's a bit darker than this photo show. I describes as having falls banded in purple. I would say plicata. The ground of a creamy warm parchment set it apart.  Its full ruffled standards make it opulent.

'Blushing Grapes' L.Miller 2016 TB

'Serving Wench' might be a politically incorrect name from a male hybridizer these days, but Lynda Miller pulls it off.  This bi-color is a stand out. A medium pink bodice with a deep purple skirt make this wench clean up nicely!

'Serving Wench' L. Miller 2015 TB

Friday, May 26, 2017

Some of the Folks I Met In Des Moines

Here I am with Chad Harris. Chad's hybridizes at Mount Pleasant Iris From in Washougal, WA in the Columbia River gorge.  Although not blooming at the convention (their season is later), Chad's iris ensata (know more commonly as Japanese iris or JI) and his species cross (SPEC-X) called "psuedata' are amazing.

His presentation on the "Water Lovers of Asia" was engaging and informative. I have barely started to try to grow these and I learned so much! He'll be in Rochester at the Region 2 meeting, October 21 offering this same talk as well as Judges training.  Give me a shout at and I'll get you on the list for more info.

'Neil and Chad Harris
 David Cupps talked me into coming and I am glad he did. His friend Andi is from Los Angeles and post great photos to Iris Lovers on Facebook.

David Cupps and And Rivarola
 My idol, Paul Black, just happens to also be a really great guy!

Paul Black and me
Paul Black and David Cupps

AIS Convention 2017

There's just too much to wade through in the photo album!  We visited the Collins garden today and the Greater Des Moines Botanical Gardens to see hundreds of guest iris.  We are past peak bloom here, but there were many mid-late blooming TBs putting on a show.

At Collins 'Bluebird Of Happiness' was putting on a wonderful show and getting well-deserved attention.  

At the Botanical Gardens eager to see what's blooming flocked on the Banks of the Des Moines River.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

New To Me Paul Black IB

The title rhymes!

Man's Best Friend is from Paul Black in 2008, but it didn't make it into my garden until 2016.  I sure hope it sticks around. Even my husband who general doesn't care for color mixes like this said. "That is stunning."

'Man's Best Friend' Black 2008 IB

'Man's Best Friend' Black 2008 IB

IB Stars in My Garden

No, it's not just another purple plicata.  Its wonderful substance hold up to the weather and the 23" height keeps it wind resistant. The 'purple' is a wide band of a rich red-purple (I would say mulberry).
Paul Black hit this one out of the park.

'Outer Edge' P. Black 2011 IB
Another Terry Aitken Hawaiian themed cultivar is 'Many Mahalos.' An orange self (meaning standard and falls are the same color) its beards are a deeper orange. The form is more traditional.  The falls while being held up do curve downward.  It really makes the color statement more complete and, as you can see the bloom is prolific. The iris geeks would say it is floriferous. I say: lots of color, easy to grow.  The complimentary color of the allium is a plus.

'Many Mahalos' Aitken 2003 IB 
'Many Mahalos' Aitken 2003 IB 

Friday, May 19, 2017

May 18 More SDBs and IBs

Here are the current blooms in the SDB and IB category!

Obviously named for its bloom time in Oregon:

'April Fanfare' Black 2014 SDB
 The next for blooms were newly planted on 2016:

'Breathtaking' Black 2016 SDB
I have a lot of moving to do!  Many of my SDBs were planted in August forgetting where the daffodils were.  'Fauviste' was overwhelmed and almost overlooked.
'Fauviste' Bersillon 2011 SDB
A stunning SDB! 'Frankenberry' from Hugh Stout has rich velvety black-red falls with a diamond dust, complemented by hyacinth beard.  The form is lovely.  I sure hope that this grows well here!

'Frankenberry' Stout 2016 SDB

'Gate to Paradise' Black 2014 SDB
This has been in my garden for years.  It has not bloomed since its first year. I move it last year and am so happy to see it likes where it is!

'Hot Spice' Aitken 1989 IB
 Newly planted last year 'intellect' is tiny SDB and 'Jump Start' is in the dark color range with bright beards that always appeals to me.

'Jump Start' Keppel 2002 SDB
 "Many Mahalos' is a beautiful IB which is makes a great presentation.

'Many Mahalos' Aitken 2003 IB
An older IB of similar Color in a simpler form:

'Obligato' Stahly 1998 IB
 Planted last year, this little fellow is trying.

'Sapphire Gem'
Here's what an SDB can do when it's happy and established!

'Sapphire Jewel' Hamblen 1977 SDB
Cook-Douglas Medal 1984
'Stop and Stare' T. Johnson 2014 SDB
Tessie the Tease is my absolute favorite from our club order from Winterberry in 2015.  The photo does not do just to the amazingly bright yellow and substance.  This is a winner!

'Tessie The Tease' Crump 2006 IB
 Here a beauty that I have had for a few years.  It's liking the weather this year!

'Eye Of The Tiger' Black 2008 SDB

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Some Oops

Sometime things don't go as planned.  I just added 'Open Your Eyes' to my collection last year.  It snagged the Cook-Douglas Medal for best SDB. And it is a beautiful crisp blue and white gem.  Supposed to bloom at 15" like many of my SDBs it bloomed a little on the short side this year.  Well, more than a little!  No I didn't drop it there that's where it bloomed.  I do have a TB call 'Land Down Under."

'Open Your Eyes' or 'Land Down Under'
I have a great clump of IBs called 'Lemon Drop.'  Early on I noticed one bud that wasn't very lemony.  Sure enough it turned out to be a plicata that looked suspiciously like 'Starwoman."  After a comparison I am sure!  It will get marked and returned home.  I wonder how it managed to wander 30 feet during the winter?

Lemon Drop Interloper
The Lost Starwoman

'Starwoman' in her place.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Medians of May 16, 2017

'Lemon Pop' is bloomer prolific and fast speaking.  Here ay a has an interloper in the clump.  Probably Rare Edition, a fellow Sass Medal Winner that wandered over to chat.

'Lemon Pop'  Lauer 1989 IB - Sass Medal
St. Francis has been waiting for his annual serving of peach pie.

'Peach Pie' T.Johnson 2011mSDB
'Avanelle' W.Jones 1976 IB
 Rare Treat (in the background above) is much more violet than the blue in this photo. The late afternoon light makes that more pronounced.
'Rare Edition' Gatty 1986 IB - SassMedal 1986 

A Bad Round Up

I've been waiting for this red MDF to bloom.  One of the first Black SDBs to be introduced by Schreiner's in 2014 this first short unfurling showed its potential.

'Fire' Black 2014 SDB

Alas in an effort to save some weeding time I used Round Up.  Don't tell Kyle.  Apparently some got on the leaves of this cultivar.  I only recognize this because the same happened in friend's garden. Believe it or not this picture shows two blooms from the same clump.

Monday, May 15, 2017

More SDBs and the earliest IB!

A number of SDBs bloom with more than the expected set of petals.  This is often occurs in the first bloom.  I have seen as many 6 pairs of standards and falls. This cultivar consistently bloom with 4 of each.

'A Little Good News' T.Johnson 2014 SDB

This cream edged pumpkin orange was released posthumously from the seedlings of Bennett Jones.

'Bennett's Star' B.Jones 2013 SDB
Several shades of blue violet SDBs with light beards are blooming. 'Cliché' and 'Pulsator' are among them

'Cliché' Black 2002 SDB
'Pulsator' T.Johnson 2011 SDB
'Eye of Sauron' produced this tightly packed fireworks display. When I planted them I had forgotten the area was planted with daffodils.  'Sauron' had to fight his way for light and bloomed more like an MDB, but I love this little nosegay.

'Eye Of Sauron' Black 2009 SDB
'Jillaroo' is lovely in form and coloring.

'Jillaroo' Ensminger 1983 SDB
'Joyous High' T. Johnson 2016 SDB
'Line Drive' Sutton 2006 IB
'Pippi Longstockings' Innerst 1985 SDB

'Sapphire Gem' Schmelzer 1975 SDB Cook-Douglas Medal 1983
Labeled 'Soft Air'...
Unknown White IB rebloomer