Yes, the first tall bearded will be open tomorrow! And lots more will follow, especially since the forecast of for the rest of the week is 80º or higher. 'Hemstitched' is also pictured in the title above. It is encouraging that the height of this is in line with its predicted height. Usually this blooms less tall in my garden.
'Hemstitched' (TB Ben Hager '89) |
Sutton's combination of yellow plicata and violet blue/orange bears is distinctive because of its horn. Note that the beard comes to point and rises from the fall.
'Abbey Chant' (IB George Sutton '98) |
Here's an MTB that is blooming at Diamond Rise for the first time. It does not show the classic MTB form is this bloom so it isn't ready for the show bench. The rounded tear drop falls are common on MTBs. It's a reminder of the historic TBs.
'Apricot Drops' (MTB Terry Aitken '00) |
Described as 'grape purple' this plicata is edged with a generous band of what I would call mulberry. This is the second year that it has performed very nicely.
'Outer Edge' (IB Paul Black '11) |
I love this IB! It provides a beautiful clump and as 'Bluebeard's Ghost' fades, its inverse 'Star In the Night'
'Star In The Night' (IB Paul Black '09) |
One of the few non tall bearded iris to win the top honor for any iris, the Dykes Medal, 'Starwoman' is a reliable IB.
'Starwoman' (IB Marky Smith '98) |
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